Scrittrice di libri, poesie e saggi esperantisti.

Laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere e in Lettere, membro dell’Accademia Internazionale Vesuviana, dell’Accademia internazionale “Giacomo Leopardi”, del Cenacolo Accademico “Poeti e Società” e dell’Associazione di Scienze Lettere e Arti “La Brigata del Leoncino”.
Esperantista, nel 2005 ha vinto il secondo premio del Concorso internazionale “Hanojo – via Rendevuo”, competizione culturale patrocinata dal governo vietnamita per commemorare i 1000 anni di Hanoj (1010-2010).
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Redefining Valentine by Litterateur Redefining world
Spettrogramma della poesia “L’annaspo, l’attacco”
The Passion of Poetry Open Mic
One day

One day Just for my colour invisiblewondering wandering along the streetsjust for my colour visiblepainfully pushed among the crowd one day a door slammed openone good hand let me in:I could see sunshine & oceansso many friends ready for me. Now we are still together(thirst & hunger left behind),my hand…
Doctor, heal people’s touch

Doctor, heal people’s touch Months & yearsrapes & stainspatient eyes, scratched cheeks,broken noses, torn clothes. Too many hands squeezed our bloodtoo many feet crushed us to deathour wrath surged like a waveour anger makes us very relentless. The best flowers stopped blooming so much.Horror was deeply rooted in our heartssorrow…